When and for what chest pain should you call the emergency room?

Chest pain should never be ignored and immediate medical attention should be sought. Chest pain is one of the symptoms that is usually a sign of a heart attack and an urgent condition that should be investigated and diagnosed and treated very quickly. Although chest pain may not be caused by a heart attack, the possibility should never be ignored. In any case, even if you have a little doubt and think that the chest pain is of cardiac origin, you should immediately call the emergency number 115. This call could save your life. In this article from Zivatec, we will check when to call the emergency room for chest pain. Stay with us.

11/13/2023 4:49:27 PM
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When and for what chest pain should you call the emergency room?

What is the cause of chest pain?

Acute, long-term or frequent chest pain can be caused by various lesions; Some of these diseases may not be an important problem for a person or, on the contrary, may be life-threatening.

Some of the most common causes of chest pain are:

  • Heartburn and stomach pain
  • - Esophageal reflux (return of acid to the esophagus)
  • - Various heart diseases
  • - Stress and anxiety
  • - Costochondritis (inflammation of the cartilage where the rib joins the sternum)
  • - Injury To the chest - lung problems
  • - blood clots in the pulmonary artery
  • - heart attack In addition
  • , chest pain varies from mild to severe and can be defined as burning, bruising, pain, throbbing, compression.


Is chest pain dangerous?

Not all cases of chest pain mean a heart problem, and not all chest pains can be considered dangerous; But it is often difficult for patients to diagnose the cause of chest pain and it requires specialized examination, so they should call emergency number 115 if they feel chest pain, especially if the pain is unbearable, severe and long-lasting. When for chest pain Should we go to the emergency room? Going to the emergency room in case of chest pain to diagnose the cause and timely treatment can be life-saving, especially if the pain is accompanied by any of the following symptoms:- Difficulty in breathing;- Nausea or vomiting;- Dizziness; - pressure, tightness, or tightness in the chest area; - pain radiating to the left arm, or both arms, neck, jaw, back, or upper abdomen - abnormally high or low heart rate; - Rapid heartbeat at rest; - Pallor; - Sweating; - Confusion; - Feeling extremely weak; - Chest pain that does not subside with sublingual nitroglycerin and lasts for more than 10 minutes. - Loss of consciousness and fainting. ;- Widespread pain between the chest or discomfort in the chest that does not go away and may be felt as pressure, stiffness or compression. Why should I call the emergency room for chest pain? With blockage or narrowing of the important blood vessels of the heart muscle and in If the blood flow is interrupted for twenty to sixty minutes, the heart muscle cells from the inner part of the heart cavity start to be damaged and destroyed. During this time, if we manage to open the heart vessel and re-establish the blood flow by using clot-dissolving drugs or performing stent placement angiography, the heart function will probably be restored to normal. Otherwise, every second, more heart muscle cells die and their function is lost forever. This means that after 6 to 12 hours from the start of a heart attack, almost all the cells in the heart attack area are destroyed, and as a result, opening the blocked vessel will no longer be of much use. That is why seconds are very important for a person who has suffered a heart attack. The importance of time in treating a heart attack is so high that doctors emphasize maintaining the standard time from the moment the patient enters the emergency room. The acceptable limit of treatment time for heart attack patients with clot-dissolving drugs is less than 30 minutes from the time the patient enters the emergency room. Also, in patients who decide to perform angiography and use balloons, the optimal time for this action is up to 90 minutes after entering the emergency room. All centers and hospitals are required to closely monitor compliance with these principles and must remove obstacles to rapid treatment of patients. destroy Based on the importance of this topic, if you or your friends or family members had brief symptoms of chest pain, it is recommended to call emergency 115 immediately to prevent further consequences. How do I know that I have had a heart attack? Without a doubt, the most common symptom or A symptom of a heart attack is chest pain. However, you may be surprised to learn that some men and women experience heart attacks without chest pain. Whether or not a heart attack is accompanied by chest pain, it can still be life-threatening and requires immediate attention. Common signs and symptoms of a heart attack include: - Chest pain; - Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; - Pain that spreads to the arms, back, or jaw; - Dizziness; - Sweating or feeling cold; - Nausea. Important It is important to remember that a heart attack is not the same for everyone. If you think you are having a heart attack, call the emergency room as soon as possible. What is the best action during acute chest pain? Heart attack and acute chest pain is a serious and serious matter that requires immediate and specialized action. In these cases, the following factors can help you: Call the emergency room: Immediately after feeling acute chest pain or a heart attack, it is very important to call the emergency number 115. Emergency experts can guide you and take the necessary measures. - Rest and inactivity: If you have acute chest pain, you should rest in complete peace. Any excessive activity can worsen the condition.- Do not take medicines without a doctor's prescription: Avoid taking medicines, especially herbal medicines, without a doctor's advice.- Get medical advice: If possible, contact a doctor or nurse and the condition Communicate with him to get the necessary guidance. - Don't delay in going to the medical center: If your condition seems to be getting worse or the symptoms are getting more severe, go to the emergency room of a medical center immediately. Note that in every Face is the best way to call the emergency room. This action will help you to have access to specialized medical services as soon as possible. Emergency measures for chest pain Immediate measures are very vital for the treatment of chest pain and heart attack. In these cases, the emergency medical team is ready to implement the following measures:- N